Pleural Effusion


  • Pleural effusion is a medical condition in which excess fluid accumulates in the pleural cavity, the space between the two layers of the pleura. The pleura is a thin, double-layered membrane that surrounds the lungs and lines the chest cavity.
  • Normally, the pleural cavity contains a small amount of fluid (about 10-20 mL) that acts as a lubricant, allowing the lungs to move smoothly during breathing. When the balance between fluid production and absorption is disrupted, fluid can accumulate, leading to pleural effusion.

Types of Pleural Effusion

Pleural effusions are classified into two main types based on the underlying mechanism and the nature of the fluid:
Transudative Pleural Effusion:-
  • This type occurs due to systemic factors that alter the balance of pressures within the blood vessels. Common causes include heart failure, liver cirrhosis, and nephrotic syndrome. The fluid in transudative effusion is typically clear, with low protein content and few cells.
  • Rationale:- In conditions like heart failure, increased hydrostatic pressure in the pulmonary circulation forces fluid out of the blood vessels and into the pleural space. In liver cirrhosis, reduced oncotic pressure due to low protein levels allows fluid to leak into the pleural cavity.
Exudative Pleural Effusion:-
  • This type occurs due to local factors that increase capillary permeability or obstruct lymphatic drainage. Causes include infections (such as pneumonia or tuberculosis), malignancies, and inflammatory diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. The fluid in exudative effusion is often cloudy, with high protein content and a higher number of cells.
  • Rationale: Local inflammation or infection causes the blood vessels in the pleura to become more permeable, allowing proteins, cells, and fluid to leak into the pleural space. Malignancies can obstruct lymphatic drainage, leading to fluid accumulation.


The development of pleural effusion involves an imbalance between the production and removal of pleural fluid. Under normal conditions, the pleural space has a small amount of fluid that is produced by the parietal pleura and absorbed by the visceral pleura and lymphatic system. Pleural effusion can occur when there is:
  1. Increased Hydrostatic Pressure:- Conditions like heart failure can increase the pressure within blood vessels, forcing fluid into the pleural space.
  2. Decreased Oncotic Pressure:- Conditions like liver cirrhosis or nephrotic syndrome reduce the blood’s protein content, lowering the pressure that normally keeps fluid in the blood vessels.
  3. Increased Capillary Permeability:- Infections, inflammation, or malignancy can make blood vessels more “leaky,” allowing fluid, proteins, and cells to enter the pleural space.
  4. Impaired Lymphatic Drainage:- Obstruction of lymphatic vessels by tumors or other conditions can prevent the normal removal of pleural fluid, leading to accumulation.


Pleural effusion can result from various underlying conditions, including:
Heart Failure:-
  • The most common cause of pleural effusion. In heart failure, the heart cannot pump blood efficiently, leading to fluid buildup in the lungs and pleural cavity.
    Rationale:- The increased pressure in the pulmonary circulation causes fluid to leak into the pleural space.
Liver Cirrhosis:-
  • Severe liver disease can lead to a decrease in blood protein levels and ascites, both of which can contribute to pleural effusion.
    Rationale:- Low oncotic pressure in the blood due to reduced protein levels allows fluid to escape into the pleural cavity.
Kidney Failure:-
  • Reduced kidney function can lead to fluid overload, with excess fluid accumulating in various parts of the body, including the pleural space.
    Rationale:- Impaired kidney function reduces the body’s ability to excrete excess fluid, leading to pleural effusion.
  • Bacterial infections like pneumonia or tuberculosis can cause inflammation of the pleura, leading to exudative pleural effusion.
    Rationale:- Infections increase capillary permeability, allowing fluid, proteins, and cells to enter the pleural space.
  • Malignancies, especially lung cancer, breast cancer, or pleural mesothelioma, can cause pleural effusion either by obstructing lymphatic drainage or by producing fluid directly.
    Rationale:- Tumors can obstruct the normal drainage pathways or produce fluid as part of their pathological processes.
Pulmonary Embolism:-
  • A blood clot in the lungs can cause inflammation and increase pressure in the pulmonary vessels, leading to pleural effusion.
    Rationale:- The obstruction of a pulmonary vessel by a clot can lead to localized increases in pressure and inflammation, promoting fluid accumulation.
Autoimmune Diseases:-
  • Conditions like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis can cause inflammation of the pleura, leading to exudative pleural effusion.
    Rationale:- Autoimmune diseases often involve inflammation of various tissues, including the pleura, resulting in fluid leakage into the pleural space.

Clinical Manifestations

The symptoms of pleural effusion vary depending on the amount of fluid present, the rate of accumulation, and the underlying cause. Common clinical manifestations include:
Dyspnea (Shortness of Breath):-
  • The most common symptom, caused by the compression of the lung by the accumulating fluid, which restricts lung expansion.
    Rationale:- The fluid in the pleural space compresses the lung, reducing its ability to expand fully during inhalation, leading to difficulty breathing.
Chest Pain (Pleuralgia):-
  • Sharp, stabbing pain that worsens with deep breathing or coughing, usually due to inflammation of the pleura.
    Rationale:- Inflammation of the pleura (pleuritis) irritates the nerve endings, resulting in pain that is exacerbated by movements that stretch the pleura, such as deep breaths or coughing.
  • A persistent, dry cough may occur due to irritation of the airways by the accumulated fluid.
    Rationale:- The presence of fluid can stimulate cough receptors in the airways, leading to a reflex cough.
Reduced Breath Sounds:-
  • On physical examination, the area of the lung affected by the effusion may have diminished or absent breath sounds due to the fluid blocking sound transmission.
    Rationale:- Fluid in the pleural space acts as a barrier to the transmission of breath sounds from the lungs to the chest wall.
  • Difficulty breathing while lying flat, which may be more pronounced in large effusions.
    Rationale:- When lying flat, the fluid may spread more evenly across the pleural space, further compressing the lungs and making breathing more difficult.
Pleural Friction Rub:-
  • A grating sound heard during auscultation, caused by the inflamed pleura rubbing against each other.
    Rationale:- In cases of pleuritis, the inflamed pleural layers can rub together, producing a characteristic friction rub sound.
Mediastinal Shift to the Left:-
  • In cases of large right-sided pleural effusions, the accumulated fluid may push the mediastinum (the central compartment of the thoracic cavity) toward the left side.
    Rationale:- Large volumes of fluid can displace the mediastinum, potentially compressing the left lung and other structures.
Cyanosis and Clubbing of Fingers:-
  • In severe cases, inadequate oxygenation due to lung compression can lead to cyanosis (bluish discoloration of the skin) and clubbing (widening and rounding of the fingertips).
    Rationale:- Decreased oxygen exchange in the lungs due to lung compression can lead to hypoxemia, causing cyanosis and clubbing over time.

Diagnostic Tests 

To diagnose pleural effusion and determine its underlying cause, several diagnostic tests are performed:
Chest X-ray:-
  • A standard imaging test used to detect the presence of fluid in the pleural space. In pleural effusion, the fluid typically collects at the base of the lung, creating a characteristic “meniscus” or curved line on the X-ray.
    Rationale:- Chest X-rays provide a quick and non-invasive method to visualize the fluid and assess its extent and location.
  • An ultrasound of the chest can help visualize the fluid in the pleural space more clearly and is often used to guide procedures like thoracentesis.
    Rationale:- Ultrasound allows for precise localization of the fluid, which is especially useful in guiding needle insertion for fluid removal.
CT Scan:-
  • A computed tomography (CT) scan provides detailed cross-sectional images of the chest, allowing for better visualization of the pleural effusion and underlying causes, such as tumors or infections.
    Rationale:- CT scans offer a more detailed view of the chest structures, helping to identify the underlying cause of the effusion and guide treatment.
  • This procedure involves inserting a needle into the pleural space to withdraw fluid for analysis. The fluid is examined for protein, glucose, pH, cell count, and the presence of bacteria or malignant cells.
    Rationale:- Thoracentesis provides essential information about the nature of the fluid, helping to distinguish between transudative and exudative effusions and identify the underlying cause.
    Special Considerations:-
  • During thoracentesis, it is important to carefully monitor the amount of fluid removed. Typically, no more than 1,500 mL (1.5 liters) of pleural fluid should be removed at one time to avoid re-expansion pulmonary edema, a condition where the lung tissue becomes swollen after sudden re-expansion.
    Rationale:- Rapid removal of large volumes of fluid can cause a sudden drop in pressure within the pleural space, leading to fluid leakage into the lung tissue and causing pulmonary edema.
Pleural Biopsy:-
  • If malignancy or tuberculosis is suspected, a sample of pleural tissue may be taken for analysis.
    Rationale:- A pleural biopsy can provide definitive evidence of certain conditions, such as cancer or tuberculosis, that might be causing the effusion.


  • The treatment of pleural effusion depends on the underlying cause, the size of the effusion, and the severity of symptoms. Management may involve non-pharmacological, pharmacological, and surgical approaches:

Non-Pharmacological Management

  • In cases where the pleural effusion is small and asymptomatic, observation and monitoring may be sufficient. However, in symptomatic cases, thoracentesis is often performed to remove the excess fluid and relieve symptoms.
  • Rationale:- Removing fluid from the pleural space can immediately relieve pressure on the lungs, improve breathing and reduce symptoms.

Pharmacological Management

  • Diuretics may be prescribed in cases of heart failure to reduce fluid overload and prevent further accumulation of pleural fluid. (eg. frusemide)
    Rationale:- Diuretics help reduce the amount of fluid in the body, including in the pleural space, by promoting urine production.
  • If the pleural effusion is caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed to treat the infection and prevent further fluid buildup.
    Rationale:- Treating the underlying infection helps resolve the pleural effusion by reducing inflammation and fluid production.
  • In cases of pleural effusion due to inflammatory or autoimmune conditions, corticosteroids may be used to reduce inflammation and fluid accumulation.
    Rationale:- Steroids reduce inflammation, which can decrease capillary permeability and limit fluid leakage into the pleural space.
  • For pleural effusions caused by cancer, treatment may involve chemotherapy or radiation therapy to shrink the tumor and reduce fluid production.
    Rationale:- Targeting the underlying cancer can help control the pleural effusion by reducing tumor-related fluid production and lymphatic obstruction.

Surgical Management

1. Pleurodesis:-
Procedure:- Pleurodesis is a procedure that induces the pleural layers (the visceral and parietal pleura) to stick together, eliminating the pleural space and preventing further fluid accumulation. This is achieved by introducing a chemical irritant or surgical agent into the pleural space.
  • Chemical Pleurodesis:-
    • Agents Used:- Common agents include talc, doxycycline, or bleomycin. Talc is the most widely used due to its high efficacy.
    • Procedure:- After draining the pleural fluid through a chest tube, the pleurodesis agent is introduced into the pleural space. The patient is then repositioned several times to ensure even distribution of the agent. The chest tube is clamped temporarily to allow the agent to remain in contact with the pleural surfaces for a set period (usually 1-2 hours).
    • Rationale:- The agent causes inflammation and fibrosis, which leads to the adhesion of the pleural layers, effectively eliminating the space where fluid could accumulate.
  • Surgical Pleurodesis:-
    • Procedure:- Performed during video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) or open thoracotomy. The surgeon mechanically abrades the pleural surfaces or applies a chemical agent directly to them under direct visualization.
    • Rationale:- This method is more invasive but allows for direct visualization and ensures thorough adhesion, particularly in complex cases or when chemical pleurodesis alone is insufficient.
Indications:- Pleurodesis is typically indicated for patients with recurrent malignant pleural effusions, persistent effusions after initial treatment, or as part of the management of spontaneous pneumothorax.
Complications:- Potential complications include pain, fever, infection, and, in rare cases, acute respiratory failure due to the inflammatory response.
2. Pleurectomy:-
Procedure:- Pleurectomy involves the surgical removal of part or all of the pleura. This procedure can be partial (removing only a portion of the pleura) or complete (removing the entire pleura).
  • Complete Pleurectomy:-
    • Indication:- Often performed in patients with recurrent pleural effusions that are not controlled by pleurodesis, particularly when associated with malignancy (e.g., mesothelioma).
    • Procedure:- The surgery is typically done via thoracotomy or VATS. The surgeon removes the parietal pleura, and sometimes the visceral pleura, depending on the extent of the disease.
    • Rationale:- By removing the pleura, the source of fluid production is eliminated, significantly reducing the risk of future effusions.
  • Partial Pleurectomy:-
    • Indication:- Used in cases where complete pleurectomy is not necessary or possible, such as in patients with localized disease.
    • Procedure:- Similar to a complete pleurectomy but only a portion of the pleura is removed.
    • Rationale:- This approach preserves more lung function while still addressing the issue of fluid accumulation.
Postoperative Care:- Patients may require chest tubes for several days post-surgery to drain any remaining fluid or air. Pain management and respiratory physiotherapy are crucial during recovery.
Complications:- Risks include bleeding, infection, prolonged air leaks, and reduced lung function.
3. Indwelling Pleural Catheter (IPC):-
Procedure:- An indwelling pleural catheter is a soft, flexible tube that is inserted into the pleural space and tunneled under the skin to allow for continuous drainage of pleural fluid.
  • Insertion:-
    • Location:- The catheter is usually inserted under local anesthesia in an outpatient setting. The catheter is tunneled under the skin to reduce infection risk and allow secure placement.
    • Procedure:- The pleural space is accessed, and the catheter is placed to allow fluid to drain into an external bag. The catheter can be left in place for weeks to months, depending on the patient’s needs.
    • Rationale:- IPCs provide a long-term solution for managing recurrent pleural effusions, particularly in patients with malignant effusions where repeated hospital visits for thoracentesis would be burdensome.
  • Management:-
    • Daily or as-needed drainage:- Patients or caregivers can drain the fluid at home as needed, typically every few days or when symptoms arise.
    • Rationale:- Regular drainage helps prevent fluid buildup, reducing symptoms like breathlessness and discomfort.
Indications:- IPCs are most commonly used in patients with malignant pleural effusions or in those who are not candidates for more invasive procedures like pleurodesis or pleurectomy.
Complications:- Potential risks include infection at the catheter site, blockage of the catheter, and, less commonly, pleuritis (inflammation of the pleura).
4. Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) and Thoracotomy:-
Procedure:- VATS is a minimally invasive surgical technique that allows the surgeon to view and operate on the pleural space through small incisions using a thoracoscope (a small camera). Thoracotomy is a more invasive procedure involving a larger incision to access the chest cavity.
  • VATS:-
    • Indications:- Used for diagnosing the cause of pleural effusions, performing pleurodesis, removing pleural tumors, or resecting bullae in cases of pneumothorax.
    • Procedure:- Small incisions (usually 1-3 cm) are made, and the thoracoscope and surgical instruments are inserted. The surgeon can visualize the pleura and lung, perform biopsies, and treat the underlying cause of the effusion.
    • Rationale:-VATS is preferred for its minimally invasive nature, leading to shorter recovery times, less pain, and fewer complications compared to open surgery.
  • Thoracotomy:-
    • Indications:- Reserved for more complex cases, such as extensive pleurectomy or when open access is required to address the underlying pathology.
    • Procedure:- A larger incision is made in the chest to allow direct access to the pleura, lungs, and other thoracic structures.
    • Rationale:- Thoracotomy provides a more comprehensive approach when extensive surgical intervention is required, but it is associated with longer recovery times and more postoperative pain.

Nursing Care 

Nurses play a critical role in the care of patients with pleural effusion. Key aspects of nursing care include:
Monitoring Vital Signs:-
  • Regular monitoring of respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, and blood pressure is essential to detect any signs of respiratory distress or hypoxemia.
    Early detection of changes in vital signs allows for prompt intervention to prevent complications such as respiratory failure.
Administering Oxygen:-
  • Oxygen therapy may be necessary to maintain adequate oxygen levels, especially in patients with large effusions that impair lung function.
     Supplemental oxygen helps ensure adequate oxygenation of the blood when lung function is compromised by the effusion.
  • Proper positioning of the patient is crucial to alleviate symptoms and facilitate lung expansion. Patients are often more comfortable in high Fowler’s, upright or semi-upright position, which helps reduce the pressure of the fluid on the lungs.
    This positioning allows the diaphragm to move more freely and reduces the pressure of the fluid on the lungs, improving breathing.
    Special Considerations During Procedures:- During procedures like thoracentesis, the patient should be positioned sitting upright with their arms resting on a table. This position widens the space between the ribs, making it easier to access the pleural space.
    Proper positioning during thoracentesis ensures safe and effective fluid removal while minimizing the risk of complications such as pneumothorax.
Managing Pain:-
  • Pain management is important, especially in patients with pleuritis or after thoracentesis. Pain relief may be achieved through prescribed medications or non-pharmacological methods like relaxation techniques.
    Effective pain management improves patient comfort, encourages deep breathing, and reduces the risk of complications like atelectasis (lung collapse).
Educating the Patient:-
  • Nurses should educate patients about their condition, treatment options, and the importance of follow-up care. Patients should be informed about symptoms that may indicate complications and when to seek medical attention.
    Patient education empowers individuals to participate in their care, recognize warning signs, and adhere to treatment plans, improving outcomes.
Encouraging Exercise and Mobility:-
  • Gentle exercises, such as deep breathing exercises and mobilization, should be encouraged to promote lung expansion and prevent complications such as atelectasis and muscle weakness.
    Regular movement and deep breathing exercises help maintain lung function and prevent complications by promoting lung expansion and circulation.


If left untreated, pleural effusion can lead to several serious complications:
  • The collapse of lung tissue due to fluid compression can impair oxygen exchange and lead to respiratory distress.
    Rationale:- Fluid in the pleural space can compress the lung, preventing it from fully expanding and leading to areas of collapse (atelectasis), which reduces the lung’s ability to oxygenate the blood.
  • If the pleural fluid becomes infected, it can turn into pus, leading to a condition known as empyema. Empyema requires drainage and antibiotic treatment.
    Rationale:- Infected pleural fluid can form pockets of pus (empyema), which can cause severe infection and further complications if not properly treated.
  • Long-standing pleural effusion can lead to scarring of the pleura (pleural fibrosis), which can restrict lung movement and cause chronic respiratory issues.
    Rationale:- Persistent inflammation and fluid accumulation can cause the pleural tissues to thicken and scar, leading to decreased lung elasticity and long-term breathing difficulties.
Respiratory Failure:-
  • In severe cases, a large pleural effusion can cause significant lung compression, leading to inadequate oxygenation and respiratory failure.
    Rationale:- Extensive pleural effusion can severely impair lung function, leading to hypoxemia and, if not treated, respiratory failure, a life-threatening condition.

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